Sunday, December 6, 2009

morning wake up 7.20
go clean up then went to play ball
find yun han then play ball
about 8.15 ++ start to rain so we go pondok and wait for ah xiang
we go mamak together i eat 2 roti cheese 1 teh o ice limau
go home bath go ioi mall
me and xiang go by yun han's car

we went to watch JUMP
it was quite ok the show
then we went to buy basketball NIKE PURE GRIP
cost RM139
then yun han go buy his sandal
we go mcdonald after that i order a spicy mcchinken
and we went to find yun han's shoe bag
but luck is not on our side
and we went home by bus
Was thinking to go out and try the new ball who know
it rain

today so bad luck ..........
haiz wish i have better luck tomorrow

that's for today

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